If you encounter any issues with your product within one year of purchase, simply send us an email with your order number and details of the damage. We will contact you within 24 hours.

Quality Assurance Policy

For over ten years, MarkRyden has designed and manufactured some of the highest quality backpacks. Quality and customer service are our top priorities. Each of our products undergoes quality testing. Our quality assurance policy applies only to cases where the product is used as intended by MARKRYDEN US and explicitly excludes defects caused by use beyond the product's intended purpose. Damage caused by items stored or carried in the product is not covered under the warranty.

Warranty Coverage

During the warranty period, the following are covered:

  • Any damage affecting the functionality of the bag due to normal use.

If you purchased a product from the MARKRYDEN US website that is defective, please visit our Returns page.

Non-Warranty Coverage

The following are not covered under the warranty:

  • Damage caused by misuse, normal wear and tear, cosmetic issues that do not affect the functionality of the bag, and accidental damage.
  • MARKRYDEN US products are not machine washable; damage or deformation caused by machine washing is not covered under the warranty.
  • Natural wear that occurs during normal use and does not affect the functionality of the bag.
  • Warranty services do not cover any accidental damage, including fabric tears or cuts, animal chewing or scratching of our products, and damage caused by airline mishandling.

How to Submit a Warranty Claim

Please contact us directly by sending an email to, providing your order number or invoice. We will respond within 24 hours.